Imagine Pangea Africa – Latin America Science Communication Competition
Deadline for Submissions: 19th May 2017
Formally announcing the winner of the Imagine-Pangea science communication competition in Africa, Legba Kossi Brice Boris.
The Imagine-Pangea Africa-Latin America & the Caribbean Science Communication Competition, has been featured in the highly prestigious Nature Scientific Journal!!!
African Gong partnered with three scie1nce communication organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean to launch the Imagine-Pangea Africa-Latin America Science Communication Competition, targeted at Masters’ and PhD students in African, Latin American and Caribbean Institutions, across the scientific disciplines – natural, life and physical sciences and the social sciences and humanities. The partner organisations were: The Imagine Project based in Brazil, Red-POP – the Latin American and Caribbean sister organisation to African Gong; and the Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science (SBPC).
Imagine-Pangea Competition Note: Masters and Ph.D. students of any nationality and any scientific background, enrolled in a higher education institution in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, at the time of registration, could participate in the Imagine-Pangea science communication competition. Those who have obtained their degrees within 12 months of the registration period would also have been accepted.
- Brief Promotional Document in English
- Brief Promotional Document in French
- Brief Promotional Document in Portuguese
- Brief Promotional Document in Spanish
Background and Rationale for the Imagine-Pangea Project: With the aim of democratizing knowledge, and awakening the interest about science in people who have little or no access to the scientific world, and enhancing the capacity-building of scientists and science communicators in Africa, African Gong has partnered with the Imagine Project, RedPOP and SBPC , to develop and launch the first truly multilingual and multicultural science communication competition, which focuses on publics in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, in a uniquely global South-South shared learning, knowledge transfer and skills development platform. Candidates must be Masters or Ph.D. students enrolled in a higher education institution in any of these three regions. They should record a 3-minute video explaining their research work and findings in such a way that the general-public, from all backgrounds, will be able to understand. The candidates need to present their work in one of the following languages: English, French, Portuguese or Spanish. The winners will have their videos translated into more than ten languages, including indigenous ones, such as Guarani, Quechua and Yoruba, and will be widely publicized in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, through the networks that support the competition and other relevant stakeholders.
Full details on the Imagine – Pangea Africa-Latin America Science Communication Competition can be found at the Project website: