Streams of Knowledge – National Scientists Day

This was the second edition of the annual cycle of the Caminhos do Conhecimento/Streams of Knowledge conferences, organized in honour of Prof. José Mariano Gago, on his birthday. Other than recalling the national and international legacy of Mariano Gago, 2017’s conference also instituted the celebration of the National Scientists Day, thus designated by the Portuguese Parliament to commemorate and acknowledge the historic, pertinent and innovative role of the scientific community, for the advancement of knowledge and, therefore, for the progress and welfare of society.

CIBIO-InBIO Institute, 17th May 2017, Porto, Portugal.

Dr. Rasekoala delivered an invited workshop session to the CIBIO-InBIO Network (Senior Researchers, Academics & Administrators of the CIBIO-InBIO Research Centres) to upscale practice and programme development for science communication and public engagement in the CIBIO-InBIO programmatic framework. The focus of the capacity-building workshop was targeted at the work of the CIBIO-InBIO Centres in various […]

JICS – Science & You, 4-6 May 2017, Montreal, Canada

Dr. Rasekoala was invited as a Panel Speaker, by the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation (CSTMC), which co-organised the panel entitled ‘Women, Science, Engineering & Communication’