WAFIRA Testimonials
French Citations de Participantes Une petite confidence : Wafira m’a stimulée. Si la conférence avait eu lieu avant les élections dans les départements, je me serais présentée aux élections. WAFIRA va au-delà de mes attentes et vient mettre toutes les chances de mon côté pour réussir ma carrière. Son apport est d’une valeur inestimable, le […]
WAFIRA Institutional Impacts – ‘Mainstreaming WAFIRA in African Universities’
A good number of WAFIRA Facilitators, Mentors and Alumni have undertaken very high-level and strategic projects, with the support of senior management/ administration in their Universities, to institutionalise, systematise and mainstream gender equality procedures, paradigms, indicators, and institutional capacity-building mechanisms, hence building on the impacts of the WAFIRA programme. Eight of these ‘WAFIRA Champions’ were […]
WAFIRA Programme Approach
The WAFIRA programme is designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, networks, and information systems, of African women academics and researchers, at the early, emerging and middle career levels through mentoring programmes; international exchange programmes; successful research funding application techniques and methodologies; strategic career planning; and a whole other plethora of evidence-based good practice tools and […]
WAFIRA – Concept Framework
WAFIRA is a highly innovative and African-centric capacity-building and training programme designed to meet the leadership development, career aspirations and professional development needs of African women in STEM, in academia and research. WAFIRA also aims to enhance the delivery of mentoring and support networks to advance the careers, progression and retention of women researchers and […]
Aims and Objectives of WAFIRA
Advancing the careers, progression and retention of African female academics and researchers in STEM fields. Encouraging African female academics and researchers with regards to applying for international scholarships/research grants. Increasing the application and success rates of African female academics and researchers in international exchange and scholarship programmes, and other such international academic programmes offered by […]
Background & Antecedents
The Women’s Advancement Forum: International Exchanges, Research & Academia (WAFIRA) programme was Co-initiated in 2014, by Dr. Elizabeth Rasekoala (President of African Gong), as a direct response to address the under-representation of African Women in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM), in the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship and exchange support programmes, with the […]
African Gong NPO Registration
African Gong is legally registered as a Not-for-Profit Organisation (NPO) in the Republic of South Africa.
Registration Number:
226 – 138 NPO
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Upcoming Events
African Gong in partnership with AIMS South Africa will deliver its Flagship Science Communication Capacity-building Programme – Africa Scientifique: Leadership, Knowledge & Skills for Science Communication – to the Fifth cohort of African researchers at the AIMS South Africa, on the 17-19 April 2024.
Growing Africa’s Capacity for Science Communication Impact
Link to the Africa Scientifique Programme here.