African Gong Reports & Publications: books

  • Rasekoala, E. & African Gong (2019). ‘Public Health Emergencies: The Role of Science Education and Communication in Africa’. In G.B. Tangwa, A. Abayomi, S.J. Ujewe and N. S. Munung (Eds), Socio-cultural Dimensions of Emerging Infectious Diseases in Africa. Springer Press. View the Book Here or click the image.
  • Rasekoala, E. & African Gong (2015). “Science communication in a post-2015 world: the nexus of transnational, multidisciplinary and sociocultural contexts.” In B. Schiele, J. Le Marec & P. Baranger (Eds), Science Communication Today – 2015: Current strategies and means of action, 39-45. Universitaires De Lorraine. The ‘Science & You’ Conference was held from the 3-5 June 2015, in Nancy, France, with the theme ‘Create the future’. Dr. Rasekoala attended the Conference as a Keynote Speaker and delivered a presentation entitled ‘Science Communication in a Post-2015 World: the nexus of Trans-national, Multi-disciplinary and Socio-cultural contexts’. This paper has been published in Chapter 4, in the Book ‘Science Communication Today – 2015: Current Strategies and means of action’. Further information on the book can be found at: or click the image.