African Gong has signed a partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Global Emerging Pathogens Treatment Consortium (GET), on the 28 July, 2016, in Lagos, Nigeria.

Purpose & Objectives of MOU

The MOU is aimed at mutually promoting our joint efforts in advancing science communication and the public learning and understanding of science (PLUS) in Africa, to address sustainable development, scientific literacy, and health wellness and wellbeing, through collaborative activities.

The main purpose of the MOU is to underscore the shared wishes and vision of African Gong and GET to address the use of science by engaging local communities, and developing actions and plans that will implement programmes in a way that is socially responsible.

Given African Gong and GET’s varied expertise and networks, both organizations wish to work together to collaborate and undertake activities that will promote, empower and provide leadership for change in local communities through the use of advanced science.

African Gong and GET hope and expect that this MOU will result in the creation of a model that will effectively address and change the way science is used in everyday life in local communities in Africa.

The initial outcome of this seminal partnership between African Gong and the GET has been the co-organisation of the 2nd African Conference on EID & Bio-security, held from the 27-29 July, 2016, in Lagos, Nigeria. The Conference website is at:

About the Global Emerging Pathogens Treatment Consortium (GET)

The GET is comprised of experts from across the globe, Africans in the diaspora and Africans on the continent, giving it an edge through indigenous leadership. Experts have come together in the fields of Infectious diseases, various subspecialties of pathology, haematology and blood transfusion, physicians, bio-informaticians, veterinary medicine, bio-bankers, ethicists, social scientists, ecologists, community engagement and patient advocacy experts, water, energy and transportation logisticians, scientists and government administrators. The consortium are coordinating and fast tracking global reactions, and facilitating interventions in a harmonious manner under the
circumstances of Emerging Infectious Disease (EID) outbreaks.

For more information visit: