A good number of WAFIRA Facilitators, Mentors and Alumni have undertaken very high-level and strategic projects, with the support of senior management/ administration in their Universities, to institutionalise, systematise and mainstream gender equality procedures, paradigms, indicators, and institutional capacity-building mechanisms, hence building on the impacts of the WAFIRA programme. Eight of these ‘WAFIRA Champions’ were sponsored to attend, present and showcase their institutional projects at the DIES-DAAD Conference: ‘Female Leadership in Higher Education Management in Developing Countries’, 28-29 June 2017, in Bonn, Germany. Their posters showcasing their institutional activities and presentations are displayed below:

Prof. Mansah Prah (Emeritus)
University of Cape Coast, Ghana
WAFIRA-Ghana Co-Convenor, Facilitator & Mentor

Dr. Sedaminou Judith Gbenoudon
University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
WAFIRA-Benin Co-Convenor, Facilitator & Mentor

Prof. Oluwatoyin A. Odeku
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
WAFIRA-Nigeria Facilitator & Mentor

Prof. Funmi Soetan
Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
WAFIRA-Nigeria Facilitator & Mentor

Prof. Smile Dzisi
Vice-Chancellor, Koforidua Technical University, Ghana
WAFIRA-Ghana Keynote Speaker & Mentor

Dr. Tete-Benisssan Amivi Kafui
University of Lome, Togo
WAFIRA-Togo Facilitator & Mentor

Dr. Rachel-Claire Okani
African University for Cooperative Development, Benin
WAFIRA-Benin Facilitator & Mentor