Inaugural Africa Scientifique Workshop

Testimonials – Impact Statements: Participants (AIMS-South Africa Masters’ Students)

On the impact of the Africa Scientifique workshop on their science communication and public engagement presentation & communication skills and knowledge

I learnt the public engagement platforms that I can use to communicate my work and which tools are more effective than others - The public engagement tools and formats that can be used to communicate my work with the general public at large. I learnt to effectively combine public engagement platforms and the public engagement tools to communicate properly with the public.

The sessions were interesting and the topics discussed captured my heart. I really learnt a lot. I learnt about communication skills and how to present effectively to my audience. I learnt how to write a good proposal. I learnt to be able to think fast and put my thoughts down in a clear way. Read More

  • Ms. Gulfornia Phahlane – Participant of the Africa Scientifique 2020 Programme, talking about the impact of the programme on her self-confidence, expertise and skills for science communication/public engagement.
    (Video in English)

On the Impact of the Africa Scientifique Workshop on their Leadership drive for the advancement of Science Communication in Africa

I was able to learn the spirit of giving back to the community through creation of initiatives to discuss important issues affecting the public at large.

The facilitator made the session very interesting so much that I am interested in researching gender and socio-cultural inclusion in science communication.

I learnt to know how to communicate science to the community and to be able to engage easily – with good leadership skills and to treat everyone with the same respect. Read More

  • Mr. Richard Mwale – Participant of the Africa Scientifique 2020 Programme, talking about his challenges with science communication and the benefits he has gained from the Programme.
    (Video in English)

On the Impact of the Africa Scientifique Workshop on their ability to Conceptualise, design and plan Science Communication and Public Engagement activities/projects

I was very proud of my classmates; each participant crafted a novel practical science communication engagement project that I believe will change their communities to a very positive extent.

I learnt to prepare my science communication project concept on one slide, and to present it to my classmates in 3 minutes.

I learnt how to incorporate the mathematical and scientific ideas into a science communication project that can greatly benefit the community. Read More

  • Ms. Tintswalo Kissey Mhelembe – Participant of the Africa Scientifique 2020 Programme, talking about her challenges with science communication and the benefits and impact of the programme on her skills, leadership and knowledge for public engagement.
    (Video in English)

Feedback on the Expertise, delivery and Impact of the Africa Scientifique Workshop Facilitators

The facilitators that were involved in this workshop presented themselves very well and clear. The presentations and involvement from students in each session was perfect.

Prof. Fanelwa’s content was very relevant and useful to me as a student and the delivery was very informative and engaging. I was able to ask questions and make comments during the session. All my questions were clearly answered.

Questions asked during the workshop were given utmost attention and carefully attended to. I also asked a question about how to disseminate a research work to science interpreters; the Facilitator carefully answered and cited examples of science interpreters. Read More

  • Mr. Djoumessi Donteu Kerol Roussin – Participant of the Africa Scientifique 2020 Programme, talking about his challenges with science communication and the benefits and impact of the programme on his skills, leadership and knowledge.
    (Video in French)

Overall Impressions of & Recommendations for the Africa Scientifique Programme

The activities we had in the workshop were interesting and eye-opening.

I would recommend the organizers to continue with the good work and educate more people on the communication of science.

At the end of the workshop I understood that there are many ways to disseminate my research and that public engagement can enhance my career. Read More

  • Dr. Rejoyce Gavhi-Molefe – Talking about the transformative and multi-level benefits and impacts of the Africa Scientifique 2020 Programme on the science communication skills, knowledge and motivation of the AIMS Students’ who participated in the programme.
    (Video in English)